Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ninja in Our Midst

The anime club indulged its creative side with face masks and Naruto headbands.


Patti checks in on us while one of the ninja-to-be strikes a pose.


Club members came up with various designs for their masks. Most of them were anime themed, of course.


The hidden Waterfall ninja finally shows himself!


There is also a Mist ninja among us.


As for me, no one knows I am a former Leaf ninja of the Akatsuki. Will the ninja discover my latest dastardly plan? Time will tell.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Gift, A Weird Question, and Cleaning Up

One of the anime club regulars is quite the creative one. She made this little necklace just for me. Meet Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques, the Sexta Espada from the manga and anime Bleach by Tite Kubo.


I was recently introduced to an anime called Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler). The show features a strange character named Grell who is . . . special. ChibiPenguinChan of Youtube graciously allowed me to pose the question, "Does Grell creep you out?"

One must admit, any group meeting where food meets "youngins" is bound to result in a mess. Thankfully, the anime club likes to clean up, and make a show of it, too.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Every year, on the last Wednesday before New Years, the Anime Club has a "bonenkai (New Year's party). This year it will be on December 29th. I am hoping to order some snack foods from overseas. Shipping from overseas, especially Japan, is not cheap, and the Anime Club is in need of donations. We will need at least $50. Any members or their family members who are willing to give donations are welcome to do so. The orders will be sent in no later than October to ensure they get to the library in time.

Also, the Farm Bureau Room where club meetings are normally held may not be available on August 18th. Instead, we will either be in the Board Room or outside on the patio. We will be making Naruto headbands and making paper mache masks. This may require making the masks the weeks before and then decorating them on the 18th. Templates for various villages will be available (Leaf, Sand, Eddies, Star, Grass, Snow, Rock, Mist, Rain, Cloud, Waterfall, and Sound) as well as the Akatsuki Organization. Club members will be allowed to make as many headbands as supplies allow. Be prepared to get dirty.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Konnichiwa, Fuyuko Tsuji

On May 12, 2010, Fuyuko Tsuji, a young lady from Japan visited the library's Anime Club.  She showed home videos and photos of school children at play, her sister's wedding, and even her brother making and eating a piece of sushi.  Here she's demonstrating Japanese calligraphy techniques.


Here we get to demonstrate our not-so-stellar-skills. XD




The kids try on a pair of yukata (casual robes).



We convince one to try on the kimono (formal robe).

Though it took only about 10 minutes for Fuyuko to put the kimono on Ozi, Fuyuko said it took her 30 minutes to put it on herself! An extra pair of hands really makes a difference.

All in all, we had a lot of fun.